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Bibliographie : "volcans terrestres"



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ABRAMS Michaël Combined use of visible, reflected infrared, and thermal infrared images for mapping Hawaiian lava flows 1991 JGR
ABRAMSON E.H. The elastic constants of San Carlos olivine to 17 GPA 1997 JGR
ACHARYA S.K. Alkaline vs calck-alkaline continental magmatism: implications for Gondwanic Rift in the Himalayas 1979 V2
ADAMS R.J. Measurements of the complex dielectric constant of volcanic ash from 4 to 19 GHz 1996 JGR
AGAB Association des Géologues Amateurs de Belgique - Minibul 1997 Géo
AGCD Actes du Dixième Forum International sur la Soil Taxonomy et les transferts Technologiques 1987 V2
AGCD Equateur 1991 V2
AGCD Cameroun   V2
AGIP Esplorazione Geotermica 1986 Géo
AGIP Geotermia 1987 Géo
AGU How Volcanoes Work 1988 V2
AGUILERA José C. Expedicion Cientifica al Popocatepetl 1895 V2
AGUIRE-DIAZ Gerardo J. The volcanic section at Nazas, Durango, Mexico, and the possibility of widespread Eocene volcanism within the Sierra Madre Occidental 1991 JGR
AGUSTSDOTTIR Anna M. Volatile fluxes integrated over four decades at Grimsvötn volcano, Iceland 1994 JGR
AHARONOV E. Channeling instability of upwelling melt in the mantle 1995 JGR
AHARONOV E. Three-dimensional flow and reaction in porous media: Implications for the Earth's mantle and sedimentary basins 1997 JGR
ALBAREDE Francis How deep do common basaltic magmas form and differentiate ? 1992 JGR
ALBAREDE Francis High-resolution geochemical stratigraphy of Mauna Kea flows from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core 1996 JGR
ALCARAZ Arturo Links in the chain of fire: A land of Volcanoes   V2
ALFRED-WEGENER Inst. Zweijarhresbericht 1986/87 1988 VSM
ALIBERT Chantal Peridotite xenoliths from western Grand Canyon and The Thumb: A probe into the subcontinental mantle of the Colorado Plateau 1994 JGR
ALLAN Iain Guide to Mount Kenya and Kilimanjaro 1981 V2
ALLAN James F. The Tuzo Wilson Volcanic field, NE Pacific: Alkaline volcanism at a complex, diffuse, transform-trench-ridge triple junction 1993 JGR
ALLEGRE Claude L'écume de la terre 1983 Géo
ALLEGRE Claude La dérive des continents - la tectonique des plaques 1984 Géo
ALLEGRE Claude 12 clés pour la géologie 1987 Géo
ALLEGRE CLaude Les fureurs de la Terre 1987 Séis
ALLEGRE Claude L'écume de la terre (nouvelle édition) 1999 Géo
ALPHA Physiographic diagrams, May 1980, Landslide-Eruption, Mt St. Helens, Washington 1981 V3
ALPHA Physiographic diagrams showing changes in summit crater, 1981, Mt. St. Helens 1982 V3
ALPHA Changes in summit crater, Mt.St.Helens, Washington, 1982 1983 V3
ALPHA Comparative physiographic diagrams, Mt. St. Helens, Washington 1983 V3
ALSAC C. Essai d'appréciation sur l'utilisation des caract. magmatiques comme guide de prospection des formations volcaniques 1971 V1
ALSAC C. Le volcanisme cambrien de l'unité de Brusque dans les monts de l'est de Lacaune (Tarn, Aveyron, Hérault - France)   V2
ALSAC C. Examen de quelques phénomènes volcanologiques dans les paléo-ignimbrites du Viséen supérieur de la région de Roanne (Loire)   V2
AMATO Jeffrey M. Potassic mafic magmatism in the Kigluaik gneiss dome, northern Alaska: A geochemical study of arc magmatism in an extensional tectonic setting 1997 JGR
AMIN Mohamed On God's Mountain - The story of Mount Kenya 1991 V2
AMMANN M. Aerosol dynamics and light-scattering properties of a volcanic plume 1993 JGR
AMMANN M. Photoelectric charging of ultrafine volcanic aerosols: Detection of Cu(I) as a tracer of chlorides in magmatic gases 1993 JGR
AMUNDSEN H.E.F. The nature of the Lithosphere beneath northwestern Spitsbergen : xenolith evidence 1988 V2
ANGEL R.J. Equations of state and thermodynamic properties of enstatite pyroxenes 1994 JGR
ANH Tran Huyn Note sur l'archipel de Cu-Tron, Hon Buong et Hon Choi - Etude de roches silicieuses, d'un conglomérat ignimbritique et d'un granophyre (Viet-Nam) 1969 V2
ANHALZER Jorge Cotopaxi - Parque nacional 1988 V2
Antarctic Journal Mt. Erebus surprises Ross Island inhabitants 1984 V2
ANTRAYGUES Philippe Self potential by two-phase flow in a porous medium: Experimental study and volcanological applications 1993 JGR
ARAMAKI S. Arc Volcanism - Development in volcanology 2 1983 V1
ARCULUS Richard J. The signifiance of source versus process in the tectonic controls of magma genesis 1987 JVGR
ARIES Philippe Catastrophe à la Martinique 1981 V2
ARMIENTI P. Automatic reconstruction of surge deposit thicknesses. Applications to some Italian volcanoes 1987 JVGR
ARMSTRONG Richard Lee Evolving geographic patterns of Cenozoic magmatism in the North American Cordillera - The temporal and spatial association of magmatism and metamorphic Core complexes 1991 JGR
ARNDT Nicholas T. The role of lithospheric mantle in continental flood volcanism: Thermal and geochemical constraints 1992 JGR
ATLAS L'Auvergne 1995 V2
ATLAS Editions Volcans et séismes 1997 V1
AUBELE Jayne C. Vesicle zonation and vertical structure of basalt flows 1988 JVGR
AUBERT Maurice Identification of a hidden thermal fissure in a volcanic terrain using a combination of hydrothermal convection indicators and soil-atmosphere analysis 1988 JVGR
AUBERT DE LA RUE E. L'Homme et les volcans 1958 V1
AUCHAPT A. Geochemistry and petrogenesis of rift-related volcanic rocks from South Kivu (Zaïre) 1987 JVGR
AUGE Thierry The Grand Brûlé exploration drilling : new data on the deep framework of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano. Part.3: Mineral chemistry of the cumulate rocks 1989 JVGR
AUZIAS Dominique Grande Bretagne - Country Guide 1996 V2
AVEROUS Pierre A la découverte du fonds des mers 1983 VSM
BABCOCK R.S. A rifted margin origin for the crescent basalts and related rocks in the Northern Coast Range Volcanic Province, Washington and British Columbia 1992 JGR
BAER E.M. Turbulent transport and deposition of the Ito pyroclastic flow: Determinations using anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility 1997 JGR
BAER Gidon Mechanics of emplacement and tectonic implications of the Ramon Dike system, Israël 1991 JGR
BAER Gidon Mechanisms of Dike propagation in layered rocks and in massive, porous sedimentary rocks 1991 JGR
BAILLON Elisabeth L'almanach de l'Auvergnat - 1996 1996 V2
BAKER D. James Planet Earth - The view from space 1990  
BAKER Michael B. Origin of compositional zonation (High-alumina basalt to basaltic andesite) in the Giant crater Lava Field, Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California 1991 JGR
BAKER Michael B. Petrography and petrology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project lavas: Inferences from olivine phenocryst abundances and compositions 1996 JGR
BAKER P.E. Recent volcanism and Magmatic Variation in the Scotia Arc 1971 V2
BAKER P.E. 1970 Volcanic Eruption at Deception Island 1971 V2
BAKER P.E. The Soufriere Volcano, St. Vincent and its 1971-72 Eruption 1972 V2
BALDIS B. The Argentine Precordilleras as a key to Andean Structure 1984 V2
BALDRIDGE W. Scott Tectonics of the Jemez and Morenci lineaments and their relationship to the origin and evolution of the Rio Grande Rift 1980 V2
BALLARD Robert Exploring Our Living Planet 1983 V1
BALLESTRACCI R. Fracturing associated with the 1977-1978 eruption of Usu Volcano, North Japan, as revealed by geophysical measurements 1987 JVGR
BALOGA Stephen The dynamics of rapidity emplaced terrestrial lava flows and implications for planetary volcanism 1995 JGR
BANYARD J.-P. Merveilles naturelles du monde 1979 Géo
BARBERI Franco Chemical Aspects of the Rift Magmatism 1982 AGU
BARBERI Franco L'Homme maître du volcan 1984 V2
BARBERI Franco Magmatic and phreatomagmatic phases in explosive eruptions of Vesuvius as deduced by grain-size and component analysis of the pyroclastic deposits 1989 JVGR
BARBERI Franco Nevado del Ruiz volcano (Colombia): Pre-eruption observations and the November 13,1985 catastrophic event 1990 JVGR
BARBERI Franco The European Laboratory Volcanoes 1995 V1
BARBERI Franco Composition isotopique du strontium des roches volcaniques de l'Afar et de leur implication sur l'évolution du manteau   V2
BARBERI Franco Volcanisme basaltique du Miocène au Quaternaire en Jordanie. Etude paléomagnétique, géochronologie et pétrologie   V2
BARBERO L. Geochemical and isotopic disequilibrium in crustal melting: An insight from the anatectic granitoids from Toledo, Spain 1995 JGR
BARDET M.G. Données et idées récentes sur les Kimberlites et les diamants 1974 V2
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcans et Magmas 1986 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. The amphibole effect: A possible mechanism for triggering explosive eruptions 1987 JVGR
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Plutonic rocks from Tahiti-Nui Caldera (Society Archipelago, French Polynesia): A petrological, geochemical and mineralogical study 1988 JVGR
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. The recent pumice eruptions of Mt Pelé volcano, Martinique. Part. 2: Grain-size studies and modeling of the last Plinian phase P1 1989 JVGR
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcanologie 1992 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcans 1993 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcans et tremblements de terre 1993 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcans et séismes 1995 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Les volcans 1997 V1
BARDINTZEFF J.-M. Volcanologie (2ème édition) 1998 V1
BARKER Sally E. Magmatic geometry at Mount St. Helens modeled from the stress field associated with posteruptive earthquakes 1991 JGR
BARLEY M.E. Origin and evolution of mid-cretaceous, Garnet-Bearing, intermediate and silicic volcanics from Canterbury, New-Zealand 1987 JVGR
BARLOY Jean-Pierre Les cataclysmes naturels 1982 V1
BAROIS Patrick Dans le feu de l'action - "Les volcans du monde" 1994 V1
BAROIS Patrick Le tour du monde des volcans 1998 V1
BAROIS Patrick Aventures au cœur des volcans 1999 V1
BARSUKOV Valery L. Early development of the terrestrial planets: A comparative study 1983 V3
BARTH G.A. The magma body at Kilauea Iki lava lake: Potential insights into mid-ocean ridge magma chambers 1994 JGR
BATIZA Rodey Lithospheric age dependance of off-ridge volcano production in the north-Pacific 1981 VSM
BATIZA Rodey Petrology and magma chamber processes at the East Pacific rise -9°30'N 1992 JGR
BATTAGLIA Maurizio On pyroclastic flow emplacement 1993 JGR
BAUDRON J-C. Age et pétrologie de la chaîne volcanique du Jabal-Al-Abyad (Haarat Khaybar)   V2
BAUDRON J-C. Existence d'un volcanisme anténéogène dans les Causes (Massif central français)   V2
BAUDRY Dominique Les projections volcaniques de la chaîne des puys et leurs utilisations 1972 V2
BAUER Ernest Phénomènes géologiques 1973 Géo
BAUER Ernst Waldemar Feuer - Farben und Fontänen / Bilder aus der welt der vulkane 1994 V1
BEADLE L.C. The inland waters of Tropical Africa - Chapter 14 : Lake Victoria - Chapt.15 : Lake Kivu - Chapt.16 : Lake Tanganyika - Chapt. 19: Lake Chilwa 1981 V2
BEARD Brian L. Trace element and Sr and Nd isotopic composition of mantle xenoliths from the Big Pine volcanic field, California 1995 JGR
BEARD Brian L. Hafnium isotope evidence for the origin of Cenozoic basaltic lavas from the southwestern United States 1997 JGR
BEARD James S. Experimental, geological, and geochemical constraints on the origins of low-K silicic magmas in oceanic arcs 1995 JGR
BECCALUVA L. Geochronology and Magmatic Character of the Pliocene-Pleistocene Volcanism in Sardinia (Italy) 1976 V2
BECCALUVA L. Upper-Miocene Submarine Volcanism in the Strait of Sicil (Banco senza nome) 1981 VSM
BECCALUVA L. Petrology and K/Ar ages of volcanics dredged from the Eolian seamounts : Implications for geodynamic evolution of the southern Tyrrhenian Basin 1985 VSM
BECK Alan E. Hydrogeological Regimes and Their Subsurface Thermal Effects 1989 Géo
BEELER N.M. The roles of time and displacement in velocity-dependent volumetric strain of fault zones 1997 JGR
BEEMAN Mark L. Deformation of fine-grained aggregates of olivine plus melt at high temperatures and pressures 1993 JGR
BEESON M.H. Origin and depositional environment of clastic deposits in the Hilo drill hole, Hawaii 1996 JGR
BEGIN Ze'ev B. Estimating seismic activity of a fault based on its mean annuel displ. 1980 Séis
BEISER Arthur La Terre 1969 Géo
BELLAICHE Gilbert Généralités sur les fonds sédimentaires observés par submersible dans le rift médio-atlantique et la faille transformante "A" (zone Famous) 1977 VSM
BELLAICHE Gilbert Formes volcaniques observées au cours des plongées Famous dans le riftMédio-atlantique et la faille transformante "A" 1977 VSM
BELLAICHE Gilbert Deltas 1979 VSM
BELLAICHE Gilbert Plongées en submersibles dans les canyons méditerranéens: principaux résultats de la campagne Cyaligure 1979 VSM
BELLAICHE Gilbert Les fonds sédimentaires du plancher interne du rift médio-atlantique et de la faille transformante "A" (Zone Famous) : Observations en submersible et analyses pétrographiques 1982 VSM
BELLAICHE Gilbert Chenaux sous-marins profonds et chenaux martiens 1985 V3
BELLAIR Pierre Eléments de géologie 1984 Géo
BELOUSSOV V. Géologie structurale 1978 Géo
BENARD Robert Au coeur de la Fournaise 1986 V2
BENHAMOU G. Oxygen fugacity of gases and rocks from Momotombo Volcano, Nicaragua: Application to volcanological Monitoring 1987 JGR
BENKHELIL Jean Enregistrement structural du coulissage Afrique/Brésil au sein des ... 1996 VSM
BENUZZI Felice Kenya ou la fugue africaine 1950 V2
BENZ H.M. Three-dimensional P and S wave velocity structure of Redoubt Volcano, Alaska 1996 JGR
BERCKHEMER H. Petrophysical properties of the 9-km-deep crustal section at KTB 1997 JGR
BERGANTZ George W. Changing techniques and paradigms for the evaluation of magmatic processes 1995 JGR
BERGE Patricia A. Velocity-porosity relationships in the upper oceanic crust: Theoretical considerations 1992 JGR
BERGER Glenn W. The use of glass for dating volcanic ash by thermoluminescence 1991 JGR
BERGER Glenn W. Thermoluminescence dating of late Pleistocene loess and tephra from eastern Washington and southern Oregon and implications for the eruptive history of Mount St. Helens 1995 JGR
Berlitz Guide de voyage - Kenya 1979 V2
BERNON Gabriel Quand les hommes jouent avec le feu de la terre 1994 V2
BERRYMAN James G. The elastic coefficients of double-porosity models for fluid transport in jointed rock 1995 JGR
BERTHE Seife M. Geologic and geochronologic constraints on the evolution of the Red-Sea-Gulf ofAden and Afar Depression 1986 V2
BERTIN J. La séismique réfraction appliquée aux problèmes de mécanique des roches 1970 Séis
BERTOSSA A. L'éruption du Gakararanga au pied nord-nord-est du Nyamuragira en 1967 1968 V2
BERTRAND Hervé Alkaline volcano of Paleocene age on the Southern Guinean Margin:... 1993 VSM
BERTRAND Jean-Michel L'Islande 1986 V2
BESAIRIE Henri Brève revue du volcanisme à Madagascar 1973 V2
BESAIRIE Henri Précis de géologie malgache 1973 V2
BEST Myron G. Limited extension during Peak Tertiary volcanism, Great Basin of Nevada and Utah 1991 JGR
BEST Myron G. Correlation and emplacement of a large, zoned, discontinuously exposed ash flow sheet: The 40Ar/39Ar chronology, paleomagnetism, and petrology of the Pahranagat Formation, Nevada 1995 JGR
BEUGNIES A. Le complexe des roches magmatiques de l'entre Lubilash-Lubishi (Katanga) 1953 V2
BEVENS Darcy The Early Serial Publications of the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (3 Vol.) 1988 V2
BIANCHI R. Modeling of surface deformation in Volcanic areas: The 1970-1972 and 1982-1984 crisis of Campi Flegrei, Italy 1987 JGR
BIAYI-KALALA W. Les trachytes dans les laves acides du Kahuzi (Kivu,Zaïre) - Données pétrographiques et chimiques 1981 V2
BIAYI-KALALA W. Les syénites et les granites du Complexe du Kahuzi - Données pétrographiques et chimiques 1983 V2
BIDEAU Daniel Metamorphism of Deep-Seated rocks from the Garrett Ultrafast Transform(East Pacific Rise near 13°25'S) 1991 JGR
BIDEAU Daniel A dynamic model for generating small-scale heterogen. in ocean basalt… 1995 JGR
BINARD N. Styles of eruptive activity on intraplate volcanoes in the Society and Austral hot spot regions: Bathymetry, petrology, and submersible observations 1992 JGR
BINDSEIL Reinhart Le Rwanda et l'Allemagne depuis le temps de Richard Kandt 1988 V2
BINDSEIL Reinhart Le Rwanda vu à travers le portrait biographique de l'officier, explorateur de l'Afrique et Gouverneur Impérial Gustav Adolf Comte Von Götzen (1866-1910) 1992 V2
BIZOUARD H. Expression magmatique des axes d'expansion de l'Afar, minéralogie et pétrologie des chaînes volcaniques de l'Erta Ale et du Boina   V2
BLACKWELL David D. Comment on "Rates and patterns of groundwater flow in the Cascade Range volcanic arc and the effect on subsurface temperatures" by S.E. Ingebritsen 1996 JGR
BLAKE D.H. Post Miocene Volcanoes on Bougainville Island, Territory of Papua and New Guinea 1967 V2
BLIXEN Karen La ferme africaine 1942 V2
BLOT Cl. Quelques résultats de séismologie au volcan Tana 1961 Séis
BOBBE Sophie Volcans en feu - Lieux de vie et de mort 1998 V1
BODEN David R. Evidence for step-function zoning of magma and eruptive dynamics, Toquima calderacomplex, Nevada 1989 JVGR
BOGIE I. Kaipohan: An apparently nonthermal manifestation of hydrothermal system in the Philippines 1987 JVGR
BOHER Muriel Crustal growth in West Africa at 2.1 Ga 1992 JGR
BOHRSON Wendy A. Petrogenesis of alkaline basalts from Socorro Island, Mexico: Trace element evidence for contamination of ocean island basalt in the shallow ocean crust 1995 JGR
BOILLOT G. Les marges continentales 1979 VSM
BOILLOT G. Géologie des marges continentales 1983 VSM
BOISSEAU Yves La Terre 1978 Géo
BOLT A. Bruce Geological Hazards (Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Landslides, …) 1975  
BOLT A. Bruce Les tremblements de terre 1982 Séis
BONACCORSO Alessandro Dislocation modelling of the 1989 dike intrusion into the flank of Mount Etna, Sicily 1993 JGR
BONACCORSO Alessandro Fast deformation processes and eruptive activity at Mount Etna (Italy) 1996 JGR
BONATTI Enrico The rifting continent 1987 V2
BONNET G. (Dr) Levé magnétique du volcan Nyiragongo - 23 août/13 septembre 1959 1960 V2
BONNET G. (Dr) Le rayonnement thermique du lac de lave du volcan Nyiragongo 1960 V2
BONNET G. (Dr) Etude des anomalies magnétiques du volcan Nyiragongo - Corps de révolution 1964 V2
BONNET G. (Dr) Notes volcanologiques - Nyiragongo 1966 V2
BONNET G. (Dr) Notes volcanologiques - Aperçu sur l'éruption du Gakararanga 1967 V2
BONNEVILLE Alain Evidence from geoid data of a hotspot origin for the Southern Mascarene Plateau and Mascarene Islands (Indian Ocean) 1987 JGR
BOOTH Basil La terre en colère 1980 V1
BOOTH Basil Les séismes et les éruptions volcaniques 1993 V1
BORDET P. Contribution à l'étude volcanologique du Katmai et de la vallée des dix mille fumées 1963  
BORGIA Andrea Fault propagation folds induced by gravitational failure and slumping of the Central Costa Rica Volcanic Range: Implications for large terrestrial and martian volcanic edifices 1990 JGR
BORGIA Andrea Dynamic basis of volcanic speading 1994 JGR
BORGNIEZ G. Observations géologiques au Kivu 1944 V2
BORGNIEZ G. Données pour la mise en valeur du gisement de méthane du lac Kivu 1960 V2
BORM G. Borehole instabilities in the KTB main borehole 1997 JGR
BOSCH Bernard La zone géothermique du lac Assal (T.F.A.I.): résultats de terrain et études expérimentales 1974 V2
BOSCH Bernard La zone géothermique du lac Assal (T.F.A.I.): résultats de terrain et études expérimentales 1974 Géo
BOSCOWITZ Arnold Les volcans et les tremblements de terre 1866 V1
BOSUM W. Three-dimensional interpretation of the KTB gravity and magnetic anomalies 1997 JGR
BOTTING Douglas Humboldt - Un savant démocrate 1988 Géo
BOTTINGA Y. Rheology and rupture of homogeneous silicate liquids at magmatic temperatures 1994 JGR
BOUDON Georges Magma and hydrothermally driven sector collapses: The 3100 and 11,500 Y.B.P. eruptions of La Grande Decouverte (La Soufriere) Volcano, Guadeloupe, F.W.I. 1987 JVGR
BOUDON Georges Mount Pelée 1989 V2
BOUDON Georges The 1902 Péléan deposits in the Fort Cemetery of St Pierre, Martinique: A model for the accumulation of turbulent nuées ardentes 1989 JVGR
BOULADON J. Répartition des gîtes métallifères dans les contextes géologiques sédimentaires et volcano-sédimentaires 1977 VSM
BOURDIAL Isabelle Voyage au centre de la Terre 1987 V3
BOURDIER Jean-Louis Stratigraphy of the 1902 and 1929 nuée-ardente deposits, Mt Pelée, Martinique 1989 JVGR
BOURDIER Jean-Louis Le volcanisme 1994 V1
BOUTAKOFF N. Sur la découverte de deux massifs de volcans éteints au sud-Ouest du Kivu 1933 V2
BOWEN F.E. The Parahaki Volcanics and Their Associated Clays - New Zeland 1974 V2
BOWER Sally M. Control of magma volatile content and chamber depth on the mass erupted during explosive volcanic eruptions 1997 JGR
BOY Gordon Snowcaps on the Equator - The fabled mountains of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda    Zaïre 1988 V2
BPCR GPS in Antarctica 1991 V2
BRANDON Alan D. Mesozoic granitoid magmatism in southeast British Columbia: Implications for the origin of granitoid belts in the North American Cordillera 1994 JGR
BRANTLEY S.L. Volatile emissions from the crater and flank of Oldoinyo Lengai volcano 1996 JGR
BRENON P. Traits généraux du volcanisme de Madagascar dans le cadre de l'Océan Indien 1957 V2
BRGM CEPGL - Mise en valeur du gaz méthane du Lac Kivu 1986 V2
BRGM Plan Minéral du Rwanda   V2
BRINK Uri S. Ten Mutichannel seismic evidence for a subcrustal intrusice complex under Oahu and a model for Hawaiian volcanism 1987 JGR
BRIT L. A primitive alkali basaltic stratovolcano and associated eruptive centres, northwestern spitsbergen : volcanology and tectonic signifiance 1989 V2
BROMLEY C.J. Microeathquakes at the Puhagan geothermal field, Philippines - A case of induced seismicity 1987 JVGR
BROOKS William E. The 40Ar/39Ar ages and tectonic setting of the Middle Eocene northeast Nevada volcanic field 1995 JGR
BROWN Michael Melt segregation in migmatites 1995 JGR
BROUSSE Robert Eruption et nature de la lave du Gasenyi : un nouveau volcan (janvier-février 1980) au flanc nord du Nyamulagira (Kivu, Zaïre) 1982 V2
BROUSSE Robert Découverte d'une formation de nuées ardentes dans la région de Ruhengeri au flanc Sud du volcan Sabyinyo (Chaîne volcanique des Virunga-Rwanda) 1983 V2
BROUSSE Robert Le Rugarambiro: nouveau cône adventif du Nyamulagira actif de décembre 1981 à janvier 1982 1983 V2
BROUSSE Robert Nyamulagira - Zaïre 1984 V2
BROUSSE Robert Le volcanisme en France et en Europe limitrophe 1990 V1
BROWN Leslie East African - Mountains and Lakes 1971 V2
BRUDY M. Estimation of the complete stress tensor to 8 km depth in the KYB scientific drill holes: Implications for crustal strenght 1997 JGR
BRUECKNER H.K. A Pan African origin and uplift for the gneisses and peridotites of Zabargad Island, Red Sea: A Nd, Sr, Pb, and Os isotope study 1995 JGR
BRUNIER Serge Voyage dans le système solaire 1997 V3
BRUNO Barbara C. Modeling gravity-driven flows on an inclined plane 1996 JGR
BUCKINGHAM Michael J. Canonical model of volcano acoustics 1996 JGR
BULLARD Fred M. Volcanoes of the Earth 1984 V1
BULTOT F. Sur le caractère stationnaire et cyclique de la variabilité des précipitations au Rwanda 1985 V2
BULWER-LYTTON E. Les derniers jours de Pompéi 1983  
BURNARD P.G. Air contamination of basaltic magmas: Implications for high 3He/4He mantle Ar isotopic composition 1994 JGR
BURNLEY Pamela C. Faulting associated with the olivine to spinel transformation in Mg2GeO4 and its implications for deep-focus earthquake 1991 JGR
BURTON R. Aux Sources du Nil 1988 V2
BURTSCHER H. Investigation of submicron volcanic aerosol-particles by photoelectron emission 1987 JVGR
BUTLER Rhett Spectral analysis of volcanic glass chemistry along the East Pacific Rise, 13°-23°S 1993 JGR
BUTTERFIELD David A. Gradients in the composition of hydrothermal fluids from the Endeavour segment vent field: Phase separation and brine loss 1994 JGR
BYAMUNGU B.R. Etude de l'anomalie gravimétrique légère des bordures est et sud-ouest du Zaïre 1979 V2
BYRD Bradford J. Eruption of rhyolite at the Honeycomb Hills, Utah: Cyclical tapping of a zoned silicic magma reservoir 1993 JGR
CABRE Ramon S.J. Geodynamics of the Eastern Pacific Region, Carribbean and Scotia Arc 1983 Géo
CADIOT B. Monographie des séismes des 18.10.1356 (Bâle), 02.02.1428 (Catalogne) et 20.07.1564 (Nice)   Séis
CADIOT B. La prise en considération des mouvements de terrains par l'échelle d'intensité MSK   Séis
CADIOT B. Information du patrimoine de sismicité historique de la France   Séis
CAHEN L. Géologie du Congo belge - Chapitre XVII "Les fossés tectoniques et le volcanisme récent" 1954 V2
CALAIS Eric GPS: un positionnement précis à la portée de tous 1996  
CALANCHI N. Considerazioni sui rapporti tra le serie alte in K e l'arco vulcanico indonesiano alla luce dei vulcani Muria e Lasem (Giava) 1983 VSM
CALANCHI N. Physiography of Anchise Seamount and of the submarine part of Ustica Island (south Tyrrhenian): petrochemistry of dredgeg volcanic rocks and geochemical characteristics of their mantle sources 1984 VSM
CALLISEN Karen Minéraux et roches 1974 Géo
CALVIN Wendy M. "Ices" throughout the solar system : A tour of condensable species 1999 TPS
CAMBIER R. Rapport sur le manuscrit de Mr A. Meyer intitulé: "Le volcan Nyamuragira et son éruption de 1951-1952) 1953 V2
CAMBRAY F. William Origin of compositional heterogeneities in tuffs of the Timber Mountain Group: The relationship between magma batches and magma transfer and emplacement in an extensional environment 1995 JGR
CAMERON K.L. Contrasting styles of Pre-cenozoic and Mid-tertiary crustal evolution in Northern Mexico: Evidence from deep crustal xenoliths from La Olivina 1992 JGR
CAMERON K.L. Testing crustal melting models for the origin of flood rhyolites: A Nd-Pb-Sr isotopic study of the Tertiary Davis Mountains volcanic field, west Texas 1996 JGR
CAMP Victor E. Upwelling asthenosphere beneath Western Arabia and Its regional implications 1992 JGR
CAMPBELL Bruce A. Analysis of volcanic surface morphology on Venus from comparison of Arecibo, Magellan, and terrestrial airborne radar data 1992 JGR
CAMUS G. Petrologic evolution of Krakatau (Indonesia): Implications for a future activity 1987 JVGR
CANS Roger Bombard, Cousteau, Tazieff et Victor: La passion de la Terre 1991 Géo
CANS Roger Tazieff, le joueur de feu 1998 V1
CAPALDI G. Stromboli and its 1975 Eruption 1978 V2
CAPALDI G. Jabal An Nar: An upper miocene volcanic centre near Al Mukha (Yemen Arab Rep.) 1987 JVGR
CARCAVALLO Vincenzo Vésuve 1976 V1
CARLSON Diane H. Geology, geochemistry, and isotopic character of the Colville igneous complex, Northeastern Washington 1991 JGR
CARON Jean-Paul H. Eruption et nature de la lave du Gasenyi: un nouveau volcan (janvier-février 1980) au flanc nord du Nyamulagira (Kivu, Zaïre) 1981 V2
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